Saturday, December 18, 2010

Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in

Back from Santa Fe. I kept no blog while I was staying at the Zen Center because I was instructed not to do so. But I think the reason given was sound, namely, that when you keep a blog you are conceptualizing your experience already, seeing it in a certain way, thinking about how you are going to write about it rather than simply having the experience. So, I put aside the blogginf for a while. This makes two substantive disruptions: once because TGFW (The Great Fire Wall) and once because of WWBD (What Would Buddha Do?). So having finished things up there I have a lot to write about and say about this experience, but right now I don't feel like dwelling in the past, although I am writing about it and will post something at some point.

The big news is that I've accepted a teaching position in China next year. Starting in September I will be the Foreign Expert at Sichuan University in Chengdu, one of the elite universities in the Chinese educational system. I will be teaching graduate students various and sundry topics in Western thought. I accepted this job with very mixed emotions. On the one hand, I really thought I was out of the academic racket. But, to quote Michael Corlerone: "Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in." Of course, no one is pulling me back in. But I felt I had do to something. I was getting antsy, feeling useless and running out of money. And this job sort of fell into my lap. I tell myself it is just for a year while I research this China book I wanted to write anyway. But I am very ambivalent.

This means, though, I need to figure out what to do from January to July. The book is finally scheduled to come out in late April, and I want to be around for that. But before and after that time, I really don't have any plans. I need to formulate some. More on this later.