Friday, July 31, 2009

Excuses BeGone!

That's the actual title of Wayne Dyer's book, and Iknow I sort of trashed it last night but here I am at Barnes and Noble leafing through its pages. Here are some excerpts:

"Inside you there's a powerful calling that's urging you to fulfill the destiny you feel churning through your veins, yet taken the safest route is causing you to avoid that calling. On the one hand, you feel pulled towards your purpose; and on the other, any number of convenient excuses sing to you like sirens: It will be risky...It's not my nature...I'm too scared...There will be family drama...I'm too old." (191)

"Any excues at all offers the boutniful reward of the easy way out. Let's face it, when you're confronted with a choce between doing something requiring effort and something that's effortless and easy, your apt to pick the latter, even if it's not the choce that will actually lead to your objectives...Your highest elf wants you to fulfill your destiny, which often involves some type of sacrifcie, expenditure of tie, mental and physical energy, and material resources. Ego is frequently in conflict with what your highest self desires--your false self pushes and cajoles you into staying put, threatened by antyhing that disrupts its mission of keeping you nice and comfortable by avoiding difficult choices," (192)

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