Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Where things stand

The Peace Corps assignment has been moved until December. In addition, the assignment has been somewhat altered. Now it seems the group going in May will do teacher training, the group going in December will be doing more administrative tasks, which is fine with me actually. Also, since we would be doing administrative stuff primarily there would be no training period, which again works fine with me. So this means a six month stint in Indonesia beginning in December, although this could change the next minute.

Nevertheless, I will be leaving Ogden Thursday or Friday. Right now I am picking through my storage shed and trying to fit as much as possible in my car. I've already shipped two boxes of books down.

Last night some friends had a final get together, a wake as someone called it. This is what is the hardest thing about leaving, giving up these friends, harder than soon not having health insurance. One of them presented me with a limerick:
Three cheers for our great friend Vernezze
Admiring him always is easy
His thoughts are insightful
His intellect, frightful
But now that he's leaving we're queasy

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