Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Leave Tomorrow for Sante Fe. Another time of loading up my car with all my worldly possessions. I have already moved enough for one lifetime, hell, for several lifetimes. So tired of this shit. Just want to find one place to settle down. But I really don't see that as happening anytime soon, if ever. I mean, part of me just wants to skip the Zen Center and keep on driving, or maybe just find an apartment someplace. But no, should submit to the discipline...Wish I had spent this summer doing something of significance. Working in Yellowstone or volunteering in SMC or just driving around the country ala Glen (where is Glen). Will say it for the last time, can't believe I spent it in Tucson...While I was here, I at least should have kept up with the CLM and done some chatting. Would have given me something to do and provided a chapter in the book. Perhaps can do that at the Zen Center!...Not sure what to make of this job in China in the fall...Not something I want to do, going back to academia, but at least it is doing something. I can always look for a job in the meantime and take it if nothing else comes up...Or, as seems more likely, I can simply travel in the interval

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