Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I wish'd I'd thought of that (oh wait, I did)

Just read reviews of a couple of books about folks who lost their job and wrote about what happened it the aftermath. Slow Love: How I Lost My Job, Put On My Pajamas & Found Happiness and Unfinished Business: One Man's Extraordinary Year of Trying to Do the Right Things portray a year in the life of two journalists who lost their jobs. I don't know, reading the summaries sound sort of underwhleming. The titles pretty much say all you need to know. The first book is about someone who retreats from the world, makes the grat sacrifice of sellng her suburban home and moving to the coast of Rhode Island and then stays home most of the time. The second book is about a guy who makes amends to people he's hurt and various tasks. In truth, neither sounds very interesting. Of course, compared to what I have done in the past year, they are positively scintillating. But it is all about having a plan, and I have none. Each, though, seems to have this artificial deadline: a year of doing 'x' and then it is back to work--which is where both find themselves. No major transformation. My idea was to shift into a radically different mode of being. This is something I've yet to accomplish, or even figure out how to go about.

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