Saturday, February 20, 2010

Tiger and Me

The Tiger Woods apology is all over the televsion right now, even in Phuket. While I find the whole thing pretty ridiculous, the one thing I did find that salvaged the pathetic performance ws the references he made to Buddhism. Many in the media were speculating that Tiger might make a move to Christianity where he could more easily invoke an idealogy of forgiveness. Instead, he stuck to his guns and Buddhism In particular he invoked the Buddhist claim that the cause of suffering is desire, which he changed slightly by declaring that 'craving for things outside ourselves causes an unhappy and pointless search for security'. I have no problem with this rephrasing. It captures the spirit of the sentiment, and in any case it caused me to reflect on this insight. Coincidentally (not ironically) being in Thailand certainly has me focusing on the futility of desire.So far, thought, I haven't been doing anything more than reflecting.

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