Monday, February 1, 2010

Tuesday Kawagoe

Snow covers the ground. An unusual but I am told not completely unexpected phenomenon this time of year. We were up late last night, not eating until after 11 p.m. Paul cooked an amazing comgination of pork and tuna tacos, along with picante and refried beans. It was a true feast, probably the best one so far. Indeed, the meals are the most memorable part of this trip. I can remember every one. Salmon steaks the first night, two nights in a row with a seafood pasta, then steaks the night before and last nights Mexican feast. After dinner we have been watching movies, working our way through the extended versions of Lord of the Rings trilogy, although with the lateness of the dinner and the jet lag, I have been falling asleep during most of the showings.

It is so cold here, I really don't feel like exploring much. Having been in Tucson so long, it is easy to forget that it is still winter in much of the world. So I usually go out for a short morning run, except not this morning--and not only because I left my running shirt hanging outside last night. And then try to take a walk in the afternoon. But much of the time is spent in the tatami room seated like now on the floor and working on the computer. As of late, a lot of energy has been put into planning the Nepal trip, though I would still put the possibility of that at around fifty percent, especially due to the fact that I would have to buy all of my trekking gear over here.

Paul has a meeting at ten, so I will head out with him and probably spend the day at Starbucks

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