Tuesday, October 13, 2009

And now for something comletely different

After a couple weeks of camping, I just received the news that the Peace Corps has delayed the Indonesia program until May, which means I almost definitely will not be going to Indonesia. Make that definitely will not be going to Indonesia. If this was going to happen, the time for it was this fall. Indeed, my mind was set to go November 1st. Hence, the Denver marathon, which I registered for speficially to get a marathon in before departue.

In any case, the question now becomes what the next move will be. Plan B was always to travel for a few months—India or Southeast Asia—and then to study in China for the spring semester and then to start graduate school in the fall. The truth is, right now, none of the above seems particularly appealing, perhaps because of the letdown from Plan A falling through. In any case, stay tuned, I'm sure something will develop.

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