Thursday, October 22, 2009

Parachute Colors

So I recently picked up the classic job hunting guide "What Color is Your Parachute" and am currently working myway through some of its exercises. I am not sure how much value it is in the actual process of job hunting, but some of its exercises I think can increase self-awarness, which may actually end up helping in the process more than any practical advice (although there is plenty of practical advice in the book).

In any case, one of the first exercises involves answering the question "Who Am I?" with then words that you then flesh out a bit. This was not as easy as I thought, and turned out to be more interesting than I had initially believed. Here are my answers with corresponding comments:

1. Writer
--Always felt this was the one thing I had some sort of talent in and one thing I would do (and continue to d0) even when I am not paid

2. Traveler
--Here, I am reminded of the scorpion and frog story. I can't help it, it's my nature. The road always seems to be calling, even though sometimes I should just hang up, or at least put it on hold.

3. Child of the Universe
--as in Desiderata. Yeah, this may sound corny, but it strikes me as trufe. I feel the universe is essentially a spiritual place and that there are larger forces working themselves out that we ought to acknowledge and can connect to.

4. Aspiring Buddhist
--The particular type of spirituality that makes the most sense to me is Buddhism, and I contintue to try to live my life in a way in accordance with this.

5. Brother/Son
--I feel a great connection to my family.

6. Runner
--Perhaps it is the fact that I have been running for more than thirty years, but I fell in love with running immediately and have never stopped enjoying the activity.This connects to something deep in me, ass well it allows me to honor the physical part of my being

7. Italian-American
--In part we are defined by our genetics and I have always appreciated my Italian-American heritage. Feel that its earthiness provides a balance to the Buddhism

8. Hopeless romantic
--Despite everything I am still looking to find someone to spend my life with and hope this occurs

9. Student
--I feel it is part of my nature to keep learning, and right now I am especially interested in learning Chinese and classical guitar

10. Lover of movies, music and literature
--The aesthetic experience is as important as the intellectual, spiritual or physical. There are certain movies and musicians and writers I can’t imagine life without.

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