Monday, July 12, 2010

4 hour work week

Ran across the book "The four-hour work week" yesterday. I had seen the book before but never really looked at it. Now I wish'd I had. I could have used some of the advice when I was contemplating leaving my own job. I think it would have helped me a little more in the post-quitting planning, as well as making me feel a little better about the decision. I certainly would have spent the past year differently has I read it. Now, I am not sure exactly how it helps me going forward. I guess the sort of lifestyle it advocates is a much less settled one than the one I am currently contemplating, at least in the long run. And it is worth thinking that the next permanent move will probably be my last, andthat for all my screw ups I do possess a rather enviable state of freedom right now. In any case, I would certainly recommend the book to anyone thinking of quitting their job.

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