Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Well, maybe just jot a few thoughts down first thing in the morning to catch the general drift of things. Last night watched a show Louis C.K., about the life of a stand-up comic in New York. I had started to watch the first episode last week but found in uninteresting. But last night's episode hooked me. I think because the show dealt with age. The guy's only 42, but talked about how from now on it is all downhill. The next year will never be better than the last one. He was speaking physically, I guess, but since so much of our well-being is linked to our body, it could certainly be applied in other areas. He had just gotten divorced, and his brother was lamenting that he was consigning himself to dying alone, since no one would want him at this age. Yes, physical decline and solitary death--what's not to like.

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