Wednesday, September 8, 2010


So I tentatively committed to two activities. The weekend of the 17th serving as an aide at the Shambhala Mountain Center and the following weekend trekking across the Grand Canyon with plans. I was considering going up to Crestone to check on the meditation center up there for the possibility of winter dhatun. But I chose the trip to Boulder because it requried a specific commitment i.e., buying a plane ticket, being in a certain place at a certain date, being engaged in specific acitivities, rather than simply a vague notion of driving up to Crestone to check things out. One rule I am getting better at sticking to is choosing specificity over vagueness. I just don't do well with vagueness. Perhaps I am also influenced by the line in Confucius about not travelling far while your parents are alive and if you go somewhere, always have a specific destination.

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