Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Year Resolutions?

I am not sure why, but for some reason I feel the need to have some New Year's resolutions. In general, I know I need to get better at long term planning. Unfortunately, right now my life is not really set up for that. So I try to think of some things I can accomplish regardless of my travel schedule.

1.I am trying to stay away from the political fray, which means no more cable political shows (Countdown, Rachel Maddow, etc) and no more political websites (Politico, Huffington Post). Just say no.

2.I think because my diet has been so out of control here, and in some ways necessarily so because I am not doing the cooking, I have at least vowed to keep a food journal.

3.I want to over time work my way through the four classic Chinese novels. I read The Monkey King during my Peace Corps service, or at least most of it, since it is a four volume 1,600 page work. I have loaded on my Kindle "Dream of a Red Chamber," also known as "Story of the Stone." It is about as long as Monkey King. I want to finish it by the end of the year.

4. I would like to get back on a regular meditation schedule and meditate for at least twenty minutes every day, preferably in the morning

I would like to have a running plan for the year, but the schedule simply does not seem set up for this. Similarly two long term projects that seem continually to bog down are learning Chinese and studying classical guitar. I am sort of stuck at an intermediate level for both of these and haven't made much progress in a while. But in truth I don't see the situation in any of these improving much, with the possibility of Chinese if I go to Chinaa

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