Thursday, January 21, 2010

RN1.21: Lost in the Clouds

I know I need to heed the warning not to get lost in possibilities, as Thomas Merton says. But today, I had a sudden urge to go to cooking school. I had actually vaguely considered this possibility in the past. My main interest in it is that it is something that does not involve mental labor and right now I feel I need a break from mental labor. Still, I found myself asking Merton's question: now what you are going to do but who you are going to be. That is, am I going to be somone who still devotes energy to the intellect, perhaps as an independent scholar, or someone who puts that behind him? That is the sort of question one needs to answer before going futher or making any decisions. I think of how Wittgenstein taught kindergarten and even worked as a gardener. There is that desire to lay down your weary tune. Certainly the dreams, which are often about being stuck in a high place, seem to counsel findng a way to ground myself.

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