Monday, January 10, 2011

Now What

"I have seen time and again that there is a surprise disappointment indoing nothing and being needed nowhere. I find this especially grue for men, who often crete their whole identities around work. If they find themslves without being needed by a workplacc, they can feel very disorinted and often worhtless."'

"Saying good-bye to the package will be harder than taking stock of your net gain from your experience. The reason for this is that we have culutually learned to atach more value, and inherently our self-worth, to the package than we have to the growht that came with it. This is why we get so much oppostion from the people in our life when we decide to move away from something that seems to be working well for the people who are watching our lvies--for example, giving up what looks like a successful career that is in reality making you miserable."

-from "Now what: 90 days to a new life direction"

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