Saturday, January 29, 2011

Peter in LA, Day 5

Went to the writers meetup today. There were six people in all. Two did most of the talking. These were the two Hollywood veteran. The woman, Vivian, had worked on some soaps maybe twenty years ago and now was trying to get back in after the death of her husband. She was great at using everyone's name whenever she spoke. "Now, as Peter was saying" or "What Jake was talking about." John was large man who spoke often and rapidly and you had to work to get a word in edgewise. There was one other real writer, Nicole, twenties, long auburn hair, who had been hired to work on something at AMC, though I could not determine what since she rarely spoke. The other three of us were mute and noncredited. Jake was a large and likable fellow who had moved down from Seattle, Mike was in his early twenties, thin and attractive, and had just arrived a week ago from New York. And moi.Felt pretty foolish and out of place when Vivian asked me what I was working on. "Specs" I said, using the only word I know from the television writing biz. What was I thinking?

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