Wednesday, January 19, 2011

When completely stuck, chance the unknown

"This advice to chance the unknown rquires two things: (1) you're really stuck, meaning that you have absolutely no idea of what you want to do with the rest of your life, and nothing I've shared so far is particularly helpful; and (2) you've tot that internal, green-light indictor saying, "Hey, I could handle some huge life changes right now, and I could make them without jeopardizing my present responsibilities." If these two criteria are met, then consider chancing the unknown. And by this, I mean consider making a major life change--moving to a new city, state or country; going back to school; or changing your career. Assuming you've tot that inner green light and you are not going to burn any bridges in your immediate circle, take the big leap. By making a huge life change, you exponentially increase the opportunity that the Universe will have to reach into your life, make adjustments, and show you new possibilities."
---from "Manifesting Change" by Mike Dooley

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