Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Peter in L.A., day 1

For a long time the plan hade been to drive down the Baja penisula. But not only did the prospect of a long road trip not excite me. But truth be told, I was a little bit nervous about driving around Mexico. I am not sure exactly when the plan to go to LA popped into my mind. I think it was one too many self-help books inciting me to seek out my passion. And, truth be told, if I were to name my ideal job, it would be screenwriting. So at some point in the past week or two I started to think about the possibility of moving out to LA for six months and try to see what I could learn about writing for television. I think this idea was primarily borne out of a desire to stay in one place and do one thing as well. The main drawbacks are the expense and futility of the endeavor. The things going for it are that it would allow me to stay in one place and work on one thing.

So I spent hours and hours trying to come up with a plan, searching for a place to stay and some sort of plan of what I would do in LA. I did not necessarily think I would be moving out there, but I at least wanted to go through the motions. So I decided to get a cheap place where I could stay for three or four days and get a feel for things. It would at least get me out of Arizona and moving. However, things went wrong from the starte. It turns out that the hostel I had booked to stay in would not take domestic travelers, so I had to scramble in the late afternoon after driving for seven hours and find a place to stay and wound up staying in some place that cost 3-4 times what the hostel would have cost. I can't even tell you the name of the hotel. It is somewhere on Sunset Boulevard. Not sure what to do tomorrow except that I know I can't afford to stay at this place, which is actually at ($70/night) one of the cheaper places around.

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