Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Passion Test

Toda's self-help book is The Passion Test by Janet and Chris Atwood. The first part of the passion test is to make a list of your passions, 10-15 things that you absolutely love
1. First make a list of at least ten of the most important things you can think of that would give your life a joy, passion and fulfillment. Begin each one with a verb related to being, doing or having, which completes the sentence: "When my life is ideal, I am_______" Close your eyes and picture your ideal life. What are you doing? Who are you doing it with? Where are you? Make this list, realizing it is just a first list. Let your list sit for a while. Come back to it in a few hours, or tomorrow.
2. Identify which are the most important using the following guidelines
a. If you had to choose between having the first passion and the second passion, which would youtake?
b. Continue comparing the one you choose with the next one until you go through the entire list. The one you end up with is your first choice
c. Go through the remainder of the list in the same fashion until you identify your five most important passions


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