Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Risk Reflection

1.Consider a creative dilemma you are facing now: what is the dilemma?
2. Consider how you might tackle it in the most exciting, interesting and innovative ways you can imagine. Don't censor yourself in any way. Don't let shoulds or should nots come into play. Don't allow the practical to rear its head. Simply allow yourself to play an imagine. Write and doodle in your sketchbook all the ideas and images that come to mind
3. Identify where the risks are and fully imagine the impact of those risks. What do you fear might happen? What is your worst-case scenario if you were to move forward?
4. Decide which of those risks is smallest. What could you do to manage the smallest risk?
5. Continue to examine risks in order of severity and come up with strategies.
6. Record thoughts and feelings about how and whether to proceed

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