Saturday, August 8, 2009

a good shrink

Saw my shrink yesterday, and in general I think if you are going to make a bit transition like the one I am contemplating, I think psychogolocial counselling is a necessity. This particular counselor I have known for more than fifteen years, and he has seen me through almost everything. He was particularly concerned about me last year, because I had more or less withdrawn into a shell. I was like a deer in the headlights. I could not see how to make a move. I would go to school, teach my classes and go home. The only change I had made was to move down to Salt Lake so I would not have to be near Ogden. But this meant I had a rather longish commute each day. In retrospect, I don't believe how much I shut myself up last year. At the very least, I could have gone to the zen temple. And so much more. It was not a very good year.

Anyway, I made myself go and see him after I made this decision. I stuck around the area much longer than I otherwise would have just so I could talk to him, because I am not really talking this over with anyone, which is probably a mistake, although in the end, this is a decision you have to make for yourself. And as I told him, you will never know if you are right. I was thinking of a line off the latest Cat Stevens (or whatever his name is) album. 'There's only one right road, and that's the one you chose'. In any case, I wanted to get a sense that I was not doing anything crazy, and I think he definitely would have stopped me if he had thought that. He just recommended I buy "The Power of Now" which I did. He says I look a lot better than I have in a while, in terms of my attitude. I can't tell. I will have to take his word on it

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