Sunday, August 16, 2009

The morning of the day

Well, it is the morning of the (albeit only about ten minutes into the morning) when I am to hear from the Peace Corps. Not that hearing from the Peace Corps will be any determiner in what I ultimately do. If I leave, I would leave regardless of whether I got the Peace Corps assignment, and if I decided against the odds to stay, well, I would simply tell the Peace Corps something came up with my university. But once I get the offer (if I get the offer) I will tell them I will have a decision in 24 hours. And then the clock will start ticking. Maybe once something concrete is put into place, the rest of my time will be able to be organized in a meaningful fashion, for right now I have no idea what I will be doing in a week or where I will be doing it. How long has it been since the original e mail that set this all in motion. I have certainly been dragging this out for a while and that fact has taken its toll. Once everything is signed, sealed and delieverd hopefully I can get out of this state of panic--and into another state of panic. Move from "whether to do this?" to "what have i done?


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