Thursday, August 27, 2009

Your separation from Weber State University is complete

That was the subject heading in the e mail I received today from my university. I mean, it's not like I expected a big thank you for your years of service. But that seemed a little harsh. The content of the letter was not much better:

Dear Vernezze, Peter J,
Please be advised that your access to all Weber State University information and resources terminated as of 26-AUG-2009 with the exceptions of GroupWise email and eWeber access. GroupWise and eWeber access will be available for 30 days from the above mentioned date.

I mean, seriously, a thank you would have been nice.

But as if to balance that piece of unpleasantness today as well I received a notice that I have been accepted into the Peace Corps Indonesia program. This is one of what is known as Peace Corps Response, short term programs for returned volunteers. This one involves training teachers in Indonesia. Only three volunteers are going. It starts in early November and ends in June. So barring something unforessen, that is the plan. I was supposed to hear about this a few weeks ago but it seems they are having some difficulties with final arrangements with the Indonesian goverment, and they still are not exactly certain of when we are going to depart. But I accepted the position. The only drawback is that I was scheduled to go to the Shambhala Mountain Center for about three weeks as a volunteer for the "take down" of their temporary summer structures , and I was told with the materials arriving early next week that will include various forms and clearances and medical appointments that it is not a good idea for me to be out of contact for that long a time. So that will unfortunately have to be put to the side.

If I hadn't gotten the Peace Corps I was going to travel to India November-January and then study in China for a semster. But this to me is a no brainer, because if there is one rule that I do invoke these days it is the "where can I be of the most use" rule. And that makes the choice of the Peace Corps position over the other alternative fairly straight forward and easy.

But of course the long term issue is not resolved, that is, what do I do when this is over for a second act. I have tentatively told myself I will go to graduate school for an MSW the fall when I return, but that is just so I can feel like I have some structure. It is not something I am particularly commited to, at least right now. I will continue to explore alternatives and, like I have said elsewhere, I think it's a good idea not to have a definite plan about the future once you have left a career you have invested a substantial amount of time in just like it's not a good idea to jump into a serious relationship right after you've just gotten out of one. The soul needs time to settle, and I hope to follow the Taoist maxim, "muddy water after it's settled becomes clear."

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