Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Peace Corps delay

This is getting agonizingly painful. I thought I would have had this wrapped up a week or so ago, certainly no later than yesterday. But the situation with the attorney is taking longer than I thought, and just today the Peace Corps contacted me that they still had not firmed things up with the Indonesian government and would need a few more weeks. I mean, I know the Peace Corps situation technically should not effect my decision one way or another, but somehow the delay put a cloud over the plans and my ability to say, I resigned and went into the Peace Corps for a year. Plus the Peace Corps thing reallydoes provide a structure for the next year and God knows I badly need structure.

But for all that I have been through and for how long this has been going on (how long has this been going on?) I still am not certain. Indeed, I spent a good amount of time yesterday trying to figure out if I could get back into the Denver program, only to find out that all the classes were filled. You snooze, you lose. I mean, I think in the end it is probably for the best, since not only do I not have the energy to teach and go to graduate school, but throw in a commute every weekend to Denver, and I just think, no way. Still, it would have given me something solid, structured and safe for the next couple of years as well as something to transition into. And that was all very tempting. Not so tempting is this black hole I am staring at.


  1. "When you have come to the edge of all the light that you know, faith is knowing that one of two things will happen: there will be something solid to stand on, or you will be taught how to fly."
    ~Patrick Overton

    Forgive the possibly religious meaning of faith here, but trusting yourself is an act of faith, and it seems like that trust is what you're looking for.

    I know what you're feeling...I'm dallying at that same edge. It's a big cliff, but you can probably see your options better once you're out on the other side. Sometimes you just have to jump. Good luck!

  2. Thanks, a lovely sentiment and one I whole heartedly subscribe to
