Thursday, August 20, 2009

Next Step

Well I felt I needed to line something up for the next stage of the journey. I knew I was going to be back in town in a month for medical reasons. But what about the next month. The prospect of just driving around and camping, while it sounded good in theory (maybe not even good in theory) would have practically have been a pain in the ass. So I came up with two alternatives. The first was to work at Yellowstone for a couple of months, the other was to do the takedown at Shambhala MOuntain Center, the Buddhist retreat center in Red Feathers Lake. IN both cases, I would have at least been able to have a roof over my head and been doing something and not running around. The Yellowstone commitment was for two months, the Shambhala one for about three weeks. In the end, because they got back to me pretty quickly, because it was less of a time commitment and because of the symbolism invovled in going to some spiritual place after this is over, I chose the SMC, and I think it is a good idea. So I will leave Park City on SUnday (and maybe spend Monday in Ogden to clean things up) and then head to Shambhala.

In general, things have opened up a piece at a time here. I have not been able to see far into the future, just enough to get by. It's like there is a fog that is parting just enough for me to see enough ahead to avoid crashing or getting shipwrecked or whatever your voyage metaphor of choice is. First it was the Park City stint and now it is Shambhala. So I make tentative plans but should be aware that they may have to be changed.

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